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II International Conference of Heritage Education

II Congreso de Educación Patrimonial

In this second edition of the congress on heritage education we expect to develop a common space to meet professionals in the field of research and practice of heritage education, spreading those actions that are being developed at national and international level. Therefore, we wanted to invite some of the reference researchers and international representatives with extensive experience and recognized prestige, working with them and their research teams.


In this sense, a focus on studies concerning heritage, takes place in the CEAQ-GREAS (Center of studies of the present and daily things and Research Group on artistic eco-formation and society), of the Sorbonne University in Paris. This group works on the relationships between education, art and society from an interdisciplinary point of view. Their study focuses on the processes of research, training and artistic creation from the experience, training spaces, cultural centers, public institutions, museums and heritage associations. Therefore, we have invited this research group which is in the forefront of heritage social studies in Europe, through a Symposium that took place at the Université René Descartes Paris V on 30th of October that will be broadcast simultaneously by video from Madrid venue.


We will also connect with Latin America through artistic and community creation works, that allow us to open OEPE perspectives to the creation of new heritage. In this sense we have the participation of research members belonging to the scientific committee together with institutions and researchers from Brazil, which allow us to reflect on the challenges, methodologies, mapping and analysis that OEPE and I Congress were able to begin to link. There were established the basis for building networking and collaborative action between Europe and Latin America. The proposed action in Brazil is to promote rhizomatic, "co- elaborative " and procedural work, so that, throughout the conference, physical and virtual discussions, workshops and actions that allow us to weave the structure and interinstitutional collaborative basis.


Again, this second edition is possible thank to the collaboration between the IPCE (Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain) and OEPE (Heritage Education Centre in Spain) . The IPCE consider heritage education as a priority for their actions in recent years promoting a National Education and Heritage Plan where the OEPE (I + D + i funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation) has played an active role in the coordination and in the committee of experts. We add, in this second edition, the valuable assistance of the Museum of Costume-CIPE, the CEAQ, de l'Université René Descartes Paris V and the IRSA laboratory of Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, both from France and the Federal University of Goiás, joint with Media Lab and the Memorial Foundation of Latin America, in Brazil, for virtual participation.


As a result of this meeting it will be born the Red Internacional de Educación Patrimonial / International Network on Heritage Education (REAP / INHE), whose constitution will be defined and published the final day of the conference, arguing its purpose, objectives, action lines and mechanisms of participation.



In October 2012 took place in Madrid the First International Congress on Heritage Education, focused on analyzing and evaluating educational programs in museums and heritage places in Spain and Europe. In the first edition of this congress we emphasized the approaches and models; in this second edition we deep in the knowledge of designs and implementations which have been evaluated and can be considered referents for different reasons. Based on them, we will try to reach reflections to help us to build theoretical lines and approaches that constitute a guide instrument of activities around the heritage education of the next decade.



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